Hacknet Pathfinder

Hacknet Pathfinder is a cross-platform modding system for Hacknet.

Automatic Install

Run the Hacknet Pathfinder installer, downloadable from: Github

  • For Windows, run PathfinderInstaller.exe
  • For Linux, run PathfinderInstaller.py

Manual Install

  1. Download Hacknet Pathfinder's zipped files from Github.
  2. Extract the contents into Hacknet's folder.
  3. Run PathfinderPatcher.exe (For Linux users, mono PathfinderPatcher.exe).
  4. (For Linux) Copy Hacknet.bin.x86(_64) to HacknetPathfinder.bin.x86(_64) and make StartPathfinder.sh executable.
  5. Run HacknetPathfinder.exe on Windows or StartPathfinder.sh on Linux to start Pathfinder.


Hacknet Pathfinder runs as normal Hacknet, there is no change.

Installing global mods

Move the global mod contents into Hacknet/BepInEx/plugins.


[Windows] System.NotSupportedException on launch

More precisely:

System.NotSupportedException: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location
which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework

Solution: unblock all .dll files provided by Hacknet Pathfinder. This can be done manually by rightclicking each .dll files and editing their properties, or running the following Powershell command:

get-childitem "HACKNET-FOLDER-HERE" | unblock-file