Creating custom daemons

Base daemon

public class CustomDaemon : Pathfinder.Daemon.BaseDaemon
    public CustomDaemon(Computer computer, string serviceName, OS opSystem) : base(computer, serviceName, opSystem) { }

    public override string Identifier => "Custom Daemon";

    public string DisplayString = "Default text";

    public override void draw(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb)
        base.draw(bounds, sb);

        var center = os.display.bounds.Center;
        Hacknet.Gui.TextItem.doLabel(new Vector2(center.X, center.Y), DisplayString, Color.Aquamarine);


Daemons can be registered manually or with the Daemon attribute.

public class CustomDaemon : Pathfinder.Daemon.BaseDaemon

XML Storage

XMLStorage variables are string variables that can be specified in the Daemon's XML.

In the code:

public string DisplayString;

Adding a custom daemon to a computer

<CustomDaemon DisplayString="XML Edited test" />