Getting started with Pathfinder Modding

Use this template or follow the steps below.

  • Start a new .NET library project with .NET Framework 4.5
  • Link it against the HacknetPathfinder.exe (Hacknet.exe if you installed Pathfinder), PathfinderAPI.dll, FNA.dll, BepInEx.Core.dll, and BepInEx.Hacknet.dll. You may need more than this, but that's the reccomended set to begin on a simple mod.
  • You may need to go into the project options and set the project to target the x86 platform
  • Create a class that inherits from BepInEx.Hacknet.HacknetPlugin, and add the BepInEx.BepInPlugin attribute to it with a name, guid, and version.
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Hacknet;

namespace HacknetPluginTemplate
    [BepInPlugin(ModGUID, ModName, ModVer)]
    public class HacknetPluginTemplate : HacknetPlugin
        public const string ModGUID = "com.Windows10CE.Template";
        public const string ModName = "MOD NAME HERE";
        public const string ModVer = "1.0.0";

        public override bool Load()
            return true;

And now you have a basic functioning mod, the rest is up to you!

All of the "Register" calls should be placed in the Load() function of your mod.

Install the mod by placing it in Hacknet/BepInEx/plugins or a folder called Plugins in your extension's folder if you want to make it extension-specific.