I am a third year PhD Student in the Combinatorial Optimization (OC) team of Grenoble's G-SCOP laboratory in France.
My PhD advisors are Zoltán Szigeti and Moritz Mühlenthaler.

I am interested in graph theory, matroids and algorithms on graphs.

that's a photo of me



A simple quadratic kernel for Token Jumping on surfaces

Daniel W. Cranston, Moritz Mühlenthaler, Benjamin Peyrille

2024+, arXiv

Matroid-reachability-based decomposition into arborescences

Florian Hörsch, Benjamin Peyrille, Zoltán Szigeti

2024+, arXiv

Directed hypergraph connectivity augmentation by hyperarc reorientations

Moritz Mühlenthaler, Benjamin Peyrille, Zoltán Szigeti

2023+, arXiv




Graphic Matroid Parity algorithm implementation in Python

Benjamin Peyrille, Matthias F. Stallmann

Implementation of Gabow & Stallmann's (doi, 1986) augmenting path algorithm.

2022, GitHub

Miscellaneous talks

Introduction à la Programmation Linéaire pour lycéens, December 2024
Online animation, PDF
Modélisation de problèmes par les graphes pour lycéens, December 2023
Online animation, PDF